hmmmm.......People enjoying their life in Earthly things like Drinking Alcohol, Gambling, Sex, Intaking drugs and other Earthly pleasure and Ignore the Teachings of God...
Mark 8:36 says" What profits a man gains The whole World and losses his Soul?".
it reminds us that the all the treasure and Evil pleasures on this Earth is Useless when the End
of the World comes!! so why wasting the one's life by doing Evil things?
maybe this one is familiar to everyone ^^
there is a traveler want to go to a place that is full of gold, diamonds and other expensive things that is being found in that place but he didnt know where is the road of that place,
while walking he saw an old man and he asked the old man where is the road of that place he wants to go and the old man tell the location of the road and the old man quickly disappear
and the traveler follow what the old man told him and while
walking he saw two separated roads the one road is plain, fresh air,clean water and fruits is present in that place and the other one is rocky terrains, hot weather, dangerous animals
lurking in every corner of the roadand opposite to the other road but this road is the road to
the place where he wants to go. so where might be the traveler go chooses between the two roads?
maybe for the other they want to choose the plain one and the other choose the difficult one
the story reminds us that in order to go to paradise of God we must take the difficult one.
and in order to enter the kingdom of God we must Sacrifice all the things we have in this
World, fame, riches and pleasures of this World..its hard right? ^^
Mat. 6:19-21 says" Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
but lay up for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth or rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves do not break through nor steal:
for where your treasure is, there will your heart also.
it means that dont treasure Earthly things but do treasure in heaven like by
obeying the the rules of the Almighty God and fear God all the times ^^
to be continued ^^!!..........................